C7 Whizz Kids

C7 Whizz Kids
All ready to start the day!

Welcome to C7's blog 2012

We welcome parents and extended family to our classroopm. We really appreciate any parent help. So far we have two lovely mums, Kylee and June who are giving up their precious time to help out with reading. Remember the more practice the children get, the more confident they become. Thank you to all you terrific parents who are supporting your children with homework. As a teacher I can see the growth with home reinforcement. Keep up the great work.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

C7 as The Addams Family -Talent Quest 2012 on PhotoPeach

Monday, May 14, 2012

Our school value-RESPONSIBILITY

We have been talking about what responsibility should look like in C7.
1. Before school: putting our book bags in the basket and our names on the Calendar maths chart.
Luca  and Ibanez-Rose know how to do the right thing.
Sarah knows that we need to hang our bags on our hooks and to put our lunch boxes back in our bags.
We need to take responsibility by keeping our room looking great.  Taking care to push in our chairs, leaving our table tidy and putting away the equipment in the right place.
